Sunday, May 17, 2009

still a believer.. TAECYUL

i was a bit soo dissapointed yesterday when 2 of my fav guy & gal were on the same stage at the same time but there were none interaction made between them.. but guess what, they were meant to be together.. if only they knew it & just take a chance to be together.. gah, that can soo happen in my lala land. this is becoz, when i went to soshified to satisfy my daily dose of my gals, i jumped to the 2pm generation pairing topic & i saw this pic posted.. clean & clear.. i am soo loving other TAECYUL believers.. keep them coming guys.. 

it is in my best interest to see that Taec is near to my yuri & doesn't mind showing it off. he likes where he stands & wants to stay there long time, i can tell just by looking at the pix. we can also see that written on his bff, seung ol's sad face. or maybe he has his eyes fixed on yuri too.. one can only dream.. this make me soo happy although i'm soo tired having to clean my backyard for the whole day today.. ;)

i'm totally going to change my siggie in soompi to this pix as my banner..

&& for 2ne1's debut performance.. it's okay i guess but still can't force myself to like them.. sorry.. other than that, Suju's it's u perf has once again made me a drooling fan!! the song & 
the dance are awesome. still no kibum. aww.. i'm still rooting Kyuhyun, Siwon && Donghae.. 

while making this post, i listen to: Again - 603

1 comment:

  1. taecyul is real :) let's rejoice fellow shipper!
    to cheer you up:
