Sunday, January 18, 2009

improved & colorful me

Me @ 090119

Here's the deal, most of my closest family & friends know that I'm soo in love with colors.. but, I always wear white tudung.. not anymore, with the help of the infamous Ekin, tudung Ekin was developed. I don't have any clue why I should be interested in this particular style at first, bcoz with my bright & fashionable outfits ( in my opinion, of course) white tudung matches any colors. But that's all changed now coz I improved & challenged myself on wearing colorful Ekin's tudung!! Yippie!~
It's not that I'm gonna be pretty or anything but it sure makes me feel happy.. =) that's the important thing now.. Happiness.. with colors.. LOL btw, mama encouraged me to wear this style &
thanks to her & her money, now I have couples of new tudung to be experienced with..

Talk about mama, mama& papa are on their 8374646473898 times honeymoons already today.. =p they are going to Bangkok, Thai for holidays.. Although I don't know the specific reason but I managed to ask mama to buy Shinee merchandise (posters, to be exact & hopefully there are plenty of stocks there) & new handbags!!~~
i trust mama's judgment on buying things for me.. i just love her to bits for this..
okie, so they're going there starting from Monday till this Friday.
gonna miss them, hope they have a wonderful & safe journey.

my class is at 3.30pm.. gah, i hate afternoon classes.. at first, i wanted to skip this class to go to K****R***, but maybe i'm going there Wednesday or Friday..
don't want to skip class & be a good girl la.. =)

Currently still obsessed over: KEY, SNSD & Kkoboda Namjas
(Joon Pyo & Yi Jung)
Currently humming to: Aizat - Lagu Kita
Maydoni - Molla-ing

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